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Retrieve Room & Rates code

PMS should send a OTA_HotelAvailRQ to retrieve a list of available rooms and rates.


<OTA_HotelAvailRQ xmlns="" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+02:00" EchoToken="fb57388d">
    <AvailRequestSegment AvailReqType="Room">
          <HotelRef HotelCode="HOTEL1"/>

Specification OTA_HotelAvailRQ

Element Number  Description
OTA_HotelAvailRQ Root element
@EchoToken    Globally unique identifier for the request, this will be reflected as an EchoToken in the response.
@Version     Current Version 1
@TimeStamp    Time of the transaction in xml schema dateTime format
OTA_HotelAvailRQ / AvailRequestSegments / AvailRequestSegment 1..n A request should only contain one AvailRequestSegment requesting room and rates for one single hotel at a time.
@AvailReqType   Always “Room”
AvailRequestSegment / HotelSearchCriteria / Criterion / HotelRef Identifies the hotel for which information is being requested.
@HotelCode    The hotel code for which the information is being requested.


One room + rate combination per RoomStay.The RoomDescription/Name and RatePlanDescription/Name will be used to identify the room + rate combination. 

<tns:OTA_HotelAvailRS Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+0000" EchoToken="abc123">
        <tns:RoomType RoomTypeCode="65300">
          <tns:RoomDescription Name="Single Room"/>
        <tns:RatePlan RatePlanCode="RO">
          <tns:RatePlanDescription Name="RO"/>
        <tns:RoomType RoomTypeCode="65301">
          <tns:RoomDescription Name="Single Room"/>
        <tns:RatePlan RatePlanCode="BB">
          <tns:RatePlanDescription Name="BB"/>
        <tns:RoomType RoomTypeCode="65302">
          <tns:RoomDescription Name="Deluxe Double Room"/>
        <tns:RatePlan RatePlanCode="RO">
          <tns:RatePlanDescription Name="RO"/>

Failure Response

<tns:OTA_HotelAvailRS Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+0000" EchoToken="abc123">
    <tns:Error Type="6" Code="392">Cannot find hotelier with code ABC</Error>

Specification OTA_HotelAvailRS

Element Number  Description
OTA_HotelAvailRS   Root element
@EchoToken      Globally unique identifier for the request, this should be reflected as an EchoToken in the response.
@Version       Always 1.0
@TimeStamp      Time of the transaction in xml schema dateTime format
OTA_HotelAvailRS / Success0..1 Should only be present if it was a successful response. The Errors node should not be present if the Success node is present.
OTA_HotelAvailRS / Errors 0..1 Contains a list of errors in the event of a failed request
Errors / Error    1..n Mandatory if Errors present.
@Type         Mandatory if Error present. Any type from the OTA code table for ‘Error Warning Type (EWT)’ can be used. In particular, the following types are recommended
@Code         0..1 Any code from the OTA code table for ‘Error Codes (ERR)’ can be used.
OTA_HotelAvailRS / RoomStays 0..1 A collection of RoomStay elements
RoomStays / RoomStay 1..n Room stay details
RoomStay / RoomTypes /RoomTypeEach RoomStay element should contain 1 RoomType
@RoomTypeCode     The code identifying this room
RoomType / RoomDescription 
@Name         The room name
RoomStay / RatePlans / RatePlan  Each RoomStay element should contain 1 RatePlan linked to the RoomType
@RatePlanCode     The code identifying this rate
RatePlan / RatePlanDescription 
@Name         The name associated with this rate.
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