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Reservation API

Effective Tours will transfer reservations to a property management system (PMS) using a PULL based model. The PMS should use OTAReadRQ with a selection criteria to request reservations, modifications or cancellations and OTANotifReportRQ to confirm that a reservations, modifications or cancellations has been processed.

It is currently only possible to query undelivered reservations per hotel. Undelivered identifies all reservations, modifications or cancellations which have not been previously acknowledged with an OTA_NotifReportRQ message by the PMS.

The exchange involves 5 different messages: 

  1. Using the OTA_ReadRQ message, the PMS will request reservations, modifications or cancellations from Effective Tours.
  2. Using the OTA_ResRetrieveRS message, Effective Tours will return reservations, modifications or cancellations which meets the requested criteria.
  3. The PMS will process the response and send an OTA_NotifReportRQ with success or errors after processing. 
  4. Effective Tours will then respond with an OTA_NotifReportRS to acknowledge the receipt.
  5. Using the OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ, the PMS sends Effective Tours back the affected ‘Availability’ change.

General Guidelines for Reservation Retrieval

These guidelines must be followed by all connecting property management systems.

  • The PMS should not request reservations more often than every 5 minutes.
  • After the PMS has retrieved a reservation, modification or cancellation the PMS must send a notification message to Effective Tours to acknowledge that the reservation has been received. This message can notify Effective Tours either of successful processing or that the processing failed. 

Availability (@BookingLimit) Updates after Reservation Delivery

The integrated PMS MUST return the reduced ‘Availability’ (BookingLimit) value via the Inventory API immediately after a reservation has been delivered. The Channel Manager will not process inventory changes for ‘Cancel’ or ‘Modify’ status reservations. For modified or cancelled reservation, it is expected that the integrated PMS will pass back ‘Availability’ changes once the modification or cancellation has been processed.

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